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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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from a. meltdown fears and grow all just fuel rods are exposed the before proceeding nuclear power plant i made record profits tends to cool it down you can see we're also in these things. because even the devastation of the sun is being felt when she finally three people dead following friday's make a quake and tsunami rescue teams from countries including russia helping with the search for an estimated fifteen thousand still missing. as a result of the damages caused by the devastating earthquake could make a big drop stuart stream media low six percent of one session other than this is also declining but russia's markets matters directly posed find out wired around
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twenty five minutes. and all the news would get down the school says the really gaining ground in the east of libya concerns grow over what's next to the need condemned by the global community takes a country once again. there are serious concerns that nuclear fuel rods may have polishing melted up a second reacts off the stricken for. this comes this report saying the war in fully exposed to several hours will be a new. reactor which indeed eleven people radiation levels are reported to be increasing up to one hundred sixty people could have been exposed to radiation since the first explosion hit the facility in northeastern japan on saturday
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engineers had been trying to use even. to cool the reactors at the complex but a catastrophic. events were triggered by friday's and. then followed by a giant. two hundred thousand people on now but that number is expected to rise dramatically two thousand. and either that it is in sendai tells worst affected by the heat wave another reactor at the fukushima plant number one a third reactor is now in danger of overheating it's lost its cooling mechanism which is crucial to stopping nuclear meltdown and what this means it could lead to overheating and another explosion similar to the other blasts we've already seen that perhaps one could happen now for that thing to try and prevent that is by pouring on scene was to step into the reactor to try and cool it down and that's
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what they did to the other plants unfortunately that didn't prevent any explosion however the explosion it did happen earlier today according to the government knew the nuclear reactor that holds the radioactive material is still intact which is crucial to preventing a major nuclear catastrophe however eleven people were injured in that explosion that is out on the electric power company in the bay say that radiation levels are within the legal limits in fact significantly lower levels but a warning needs to be issued on top of that they are evacuated a huge area twenty kilometers radius. around the nucleus. and two hundred people two hundred thousand people have been evacuated to safety however six hundred people still remain in the area they want to venture to quick enough so they've been told to stay inside so it's not be exposed to any radiation you know also that the radiation has leaked out more far afield than that
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according to the new york times and reuters a u.s. aircraft carrier off the japanese coast two hundred sixty comes into the pacific ocean. with a geiger counter they measure today in a cloud of smoke that radiation was above the normal levels. standing on tanks cruise tree members receive radiation and salt about the same as they would do normally in a month so they're above normal not at a critical level they panic scene shown by people lining up outside supermarkets one q we saw the main see from arkansas in a center town with the long grass no exaggeration people being queuing up overnight to try and stock up on food so people are obviously concerned potentially the spread of radiation might mean athelstan signs or another earthquake could lead to food shortages already there are food sources in town and in this whole prefecture
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in fact. yes where we met was seventy kilometers the stock up on food and right now several of the food shops are limiting people to five items maximum and having to hugh are now it's time to get into the stock so obviously there is some level of panic people on showing it. on the surface they're definitely concerned so much so that they're stocking up on food and also fuel on our way here yet last night we saw a long queue of cars because kilometer long outside one of the few cattle stations who were there were open in the fukushima prefecture. and there only being limited to twenty liters of heat so let's roll the authorities the army troops and police take a police even as well lining the streets and going to the coast they're heading people up there saying people can't make their way we were trying to get the film
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pictures of me the devastation caused by the tsunami three days ago and every sort of two hundred meters or so they were police telling divesting asking us to go back the damage is that. you get a real feel for it you. get. the tsunami completely wiped out everything in our very same region. in nine minutes all in the great human being in the being credible we wiped out three buildings they're called floating in what appears to be an inland. completely never fully understand it and then fully realize the power of the must. we will be until you actually see these pictures and we saw people sifting through what remains of what was there there were a boat as well and. been washed up seven clumps of inland
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and so clearly the damage is. far. inland. there are few buildings damaged in the sense of the city people things functioning pretty much. normal in terms of infrastructure now i can see on the road they're starting. fresh and so the trains are still not out of phase as aftershocks and attention of the tsunami. emergency services remain on high alert in russia is the far east a region close to northern japan they say that the danger of a possible radioactive cloud reaching the area is minimal and the wind is expected to blow towards the pacific ocean but the spine about some foreign workers are said to be leaving the area our correspondent there in the great childer has more from this region several thousand kilometers north of japan. we motion says ministry
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say they have reinforced the radiation levels here and say that as of now they stand at last than the average for this area but not residents of this region choose to leave we had seen people sitting on their backs today early morning at the lobby of the hotel and they were desperate to get the first flight be food to moscow and other cities of russia this for the locals here most of them trying not to panic and to run about their businesses as usual and they also say that pictures they're now seeing in japan for media to board they had been through several years ago. this is how the trust looks like you can hardly see the needle tracing the waveform as a hard morning. is listening for every beat but things can change quickly.
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now seen in the real time a new earthquake is hitting japan this is the wave traced it's strong it has a magnitude of six point five. this is what another quake of magnitude nine translates into. if you were eleven or not and he wakes has been running they say snake station in russia the war is over twenty years now but even for him pride is advance came as a painful and vivid reminder he and his old town friend survived an earthquake of similar in town city and civilian in one thousand nine hundred ninety one they don't need t.v. reports to know what the people of japan are experiencing now. but you it was a sustained sense of vertigo ceilings were caving in the first thing i did i rushed to my daughters i grabbed the older one while my wife took our new one and rushed into the street thank god we were in first floor with patient care. yury two was
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lucky to back it quickly but dozens of their friends were buried alive. so the morning drew can be innocent and it's a ghost spirit is going to go with us we arrived and there was nothing it's on is no longer there we will start hauling in grange there's a history and say words what used to be streets with houses and. just what you then have to gorski earthquake was russia's most destructive in a hundred years over two thousand people died the town was never a built but the sea snake station was real it was shut down shortly after the collapse of the soviet union and ury was left without but the earthquake changed all that not only was the station reinstated dozens of new ones had been built these times mosco calls hillary several times a day. but we are always on high alert hopefully with better than the america's
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most asians was the first to report the earthquake was so quickly felt insecure this is the closest part of russia to japan and while it tsunami threat has receded there's no relief for the people here with the danger now one of nuclear catastrophe everyone here understands that in the worst case scenario it will take a radioactive cloud less than an hour to reach the coast of russia extolling the virtue of our team from the supply line. and as the nuclear threat to japan grows moscow is ready to help take a with the staple energy supply along with sending humanitarian aid around the message from the russian president. during fighting talks for japan's prime minister but i can. bring that as a have more from the capital. we know that people in moscow have been flooding to the japanese embassy bringing flowers lighting candles showing their support for the people of japan as they struggle this is
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a very difficult time various russian dignitaries on the bushels also expressed condolences and pledged support and help to the japanese government and people who know that the russian foreign minister visited the japanese embassy today signing the condolence book and also pledging support to the people of japan in this very difficult time scipio loved wolf said that russia will do everything you can to help the japanese people this is this is the russian rescue is together with rescue teams from other countries searching for those who may still be alive among the country and they're assisting with recovery efforts i very much hope that the joint efforts of the and so my international community will be able to help the people of japan and the japanese government need to get the consequences of a catastrophe witnessed and want to be deeply touched by we expressed solidarity with our neighbors in japan and the russian prime minister also offered his condolences to the japanese people pledging support also mentioned that russia will
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not be closing down its own nuclear program saying that the tragedy in japan is of course a tragedy but russia will continue with its own nuclear jumped up russia as a for such a number of its emergency ministry personnel to japan plane as well of emergency ministry specialists left moscow another up that should specialist more help operatives in the russians part is russia is doing everything it can to help the people of japan we also know that russia is helping educate and in its energy sector of course that thirty percent of the country was dependent on energy derived from nuclear the nuclear power plants that are currently in a state of dire distress in japan that russia will be helping out as much as it's can with things like coal and other. projects that energy can be derived from in order to help the japanese people through this difficult time of course russia does have
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a lot of experience in dealing with nuclear reactors and all the distress that they can get into the twenty five years ago the chernobyl power plant suffered a meltdown my colleague alexina chef he has details of that terrible tragedy at playing field trip down memory lane alexander often goes to the thirty kilometer chernobyl exclusion zone in ukraine but every visit evokes sad emotions twenty five years ago what is now the ghost town of pretty guards was his home before the chernobyl fallout changed everything. you know i didn't come here just to take photos and it still feels like home. i spent my best chance of years here along to cheer me up and even those who have never been here before come and feel the calm. so they want to come back here. oleksandr is one of hundreds of thousands whose address changed to april the twenty sixth one thousand nine hundred
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six the patient is one of youngest districts in the late one nine hundred eighty s. house the sprung up here literally overnight many of those who had to leave their homes in the chernobyl area found their home here a total of three hundred thousand people had to be resettled from the contaminated blood this new life came at a high price for some reason the soviet authorities meddled with the evacuation from the contaminated zone fifty thousand please get presidents the town just three kilometers from the exploded reactor were subjected to a great deal of radiation the town's former deputy mayor says this dreadful mistake was caused by a mass confusion which followed the blast. of those who asked the question don't quite understand what it takes to evacuate as many as fifty thousand people or what you simply can't do it in one hour or in two hours of a life we brought thirty one hundred buses here from pm we had to inform people bring them together and in the first place we had to understand whether we actually
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needed the evacuation even specialists in the first stages didn't know whether the reactor was destroyed a quarter of a century since the disaster the thirty kilometer area around the plant is a nuclear wasteland the four hour period for radioactive particles is believed to last several thousand years so this land would hardly ever be inhabited again however some like this elderly man were not put off by the radioactive threat and decided to return after the soviet union collapsed. when i was moved here they gave me a flat and immediately. not enough to make and that's why we returned them is here and we grow. besides nowadays more people come to this because most. many still wary of some money. as the news of a new clear insight. and at the fukushima plant in japan broke out the first thing the authorities did was to evacuate residents within twenty kilometers of the
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facility twenty five years ago people of the affected area were less fortunate the reaction of the japanese government suggests that the lessons of chernobyl have decades later been learned let's see risky r.t. reporting from kia ukraine. the an independent atomic energy consultant from scotland says japan's nuclear crisis is once worst thing. the situation in japan is absolutely critical the state of the fuel at the reactor number three that exploded last night we know that for many hours half of the core was exposed so there's a very strong possibility that the fuel that has melted has already moved around the reactor pressure vessel and is now the base of that reactor vessel that is called that could cause huge problems and of course major radiological releases but remember according to international standards there is no safe threshold for man
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need relation so he goes in killing the goose that hit the sailors on board u.s.s. ronald reagan that could have health consequences we're not going to don't there egg him on on the ship. and the idea of a three communicate that there's no risk from any radiation is clearly wrong the consequences are that the fuel is no longer being cooled so you're very energetic nuclear fuel within this poor little reactor really asked me maybe eighty to ninety tons of highly radioactive fuel it will be heating up over a period of time over hours it will get to a point during which it will be producing gases those gases will be building up pressure inside the pressure vessel in unit two and the question is at what point will the not be able to retain the pressure and there were cause possibly be a third explosion one of the problems in japanese culture is either societal and
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government level is this faith and technology the problem is with nuclear power these are technologies that were developed in the immediate aftermath of the second world war. they were designed these type of reactors were actually designed for use in nuclear separates so the technology is decades old i think the nickel industry is in its in its own psychological meltdown. well despite the latest plans to pound the tonic faith the agency is still with us sharing the public that there is no possibility of that sort of. didn't happen focusing on nuclear plant while maintaining calm don't do well but taking things all thorazine if they themselves be unaware of just how dangerous things could get. historically i can tell you that in every situation like this when there is a nuclear industrial accident there's a very there's two different programs underway one is the program to control the
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problem and the other is the program to manage public opinion in the case of managing public opinion there is always a desire to present the opinion to present a perception that the government is in control that there is no undue danger and there's no reason to panic often the need to control this kind of perception runs counter to the actual information which may be useful to people about whether they're in danger or not people rely on the government to give them accurate info from ation about what the threats are so there's never been a case where the information has been accurate and useful so there's no reason to believe that the government is now not engaged in trying to manage public opinion and manage perceptions that this crisis is not so bad and perhaps that's accurate but we don't know that for a while. well we're following all the latest developments in japan since a massive earthquake and tsunami hit the country causing explosions at the
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fukushima power plant and it's now feared the exposed fuel rods may have partially melted second reacts and with the news comes on the hydrogen. reactors the engine eleven people who are here the process of pumping to cool the reactor now was up to one hundred sixty has been exposed to radiation since the first explosion hit that facility in northeastern japan so they are the radiation levels. in the events were triggered by quake it was followed by a giant mess. but the numbers are expected to rise it dramatically as the rescue teams from several countries including russia into new search for the animals and still missing. were new updates on the situation in japan as well as expert opinion and analysis program. but also to libya now with the strength of colonel gadhafi as offensive continues so overwhelmed rebel forces were
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how can reports of an strikes by his military is talks have been held and false on the imposition of a no fly zone over libya artie's fall asleep house the latest for us from tripoli. we're receiving conflicting reports the rebels saying that they were in control of the town but libyan state television reporting exactly the opposite of what is possible is that these governments have retreated from the town they regrouping and they will restrike which has been a strategy elsewhere it is becoming increasingly more here that the japanese names are making advantages with the ultimate destination of bengazi in mind there are also growing concerns among those rebel groups of gadhafi steepest cells these are men who are armed they are keeping a low profile and the fear is that when they feel there is not a sizable presence of gadhafi soldiers in a town they will come to the front and it will take to the streets and fights the international community at the moment is meeting in paris the usa controlled state
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hillary clinton is holding discussions with the leadership of the opposition here in libya they're expected to reach some decision of an international response to what is happening here in libya the question over a no fly zone whether or not they'll give the green light to this but certainly the feeling is growing that strong's has acted prematurely by recognizing the libyan opposition as the legitimate voice of this country particularly when you steve they conduct these forces are making advances on the ground it raises questions in terms of if gadhafi had to remain in power how would force behave and in fact how the international community behaved this is an international community that has denounced him how impressed were they talk to him if he had to stay in power if the gadhafi had to go it also real concerns that there is a vacuum of power that would remain it is not clear in terms of the opposition who would come to the french we need to remember that the opposition are in equipped they will trained they are not united and there are many questionable people within
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their ranks in fact the only unifying corps we are hearing is from the opposition themselves they all saying the father time international community decides what it wants to do the situation here might already be over. well i'll be back with the headlines in less than ten minutes time and that's get the latest now from our desk . japan's economy is facing its biggest challenge since world war two after being hit by one of the biggest earthquakes in history the country's infrastructure is seriously damaged nations and clusters in the south and west seem to have been spared the worst japan's central bank injected the market with one hundred eighty three billion dollars worth of additional liquidity by flooding the banking system with cash it hopes banks will continue lending money and meet the likely surge in demand for post earthquake funds and the g. also remains a concern due to the crisis that damaged nuclear plants north of tokyo which could set back all sectors of the economy meanwhile russia says it's ready to help japan
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with additional supplies of liquefied natural gas. and i'm you know it's a good washing we're now looking at ways to support japan with additional energy supplies as a gastro will deliver an additional two hundred thousand tonnes of liquefied natural gas in april and may or we're now developing ways to increase supply capacity the difficulty is that most of the gas we currently deliver is already distributed through existing contracts so we will have to hold talks with our partners through view some of the contracts because of. the price for light sweet crude has retreated below one hundred dollars per barrel on fears of a drop in demand in japan but chris we first of all see believes the price of black gold will not show significant downturn at the moment change the situation in the middle east remaining unstable. the main driver in the oil market right now is still the middle east in focus in the middle east and the threat of supply
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disruption and particularly i think what helped the oil price from falling last friday and over the weekend is this news in the rest spreading to saudi arabia eastern province and they just want production ration so the threat of destruction in the middle east is still the dominant factor and that's helped avoid a big of christ fall in the in the gold price right now. going out of the stock markets we start with asia's reaction to the situation in japan the nikkei closed down more than six percent on monday they closed on a two year unless i wasn't best as expected we have great concern ali take a significant toll on the part of the japanese car makers electronic world primus or the shares dropped by double digit percentages the reaction in the hong kong is actually positive it was sub judice the index ended up point four percent. in the united states now and u.s. stocks are trading lower at this hour led by
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a pullback in utilities and on concerns about japan's economy biggest job seen in general electric is down three point two percent the company designs rules six of the reactors at the fukushima daiichi nuclear plant in japan. european stocks will soon be closing a session that also lower the dax down one point six percent the footsie point nine percent here in russia the picture is quite different we all see us and my six have shaken off concerns of the situation in japan not in all stores we're seeing the r.t.s. gain point eight percent or because of my six point four percent the main driver of that is gas chromium shares a rock three and a half percent at the close off the news that the government asked the company to consider increasingly for five natural gas shipments to japan and rosneft is also gaining points eight percent at the close bucking the trend banks burbank is down
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one point seven percent and ross telecom down point eight percent on the license. russian oil company bastion after them final talks with lukoil to jointly develop the deposits in the arctic. on the disputed tender to develop the world deposits lukoil and a number of other companies total investment is estimated to be worth for from five to six billion dollars and brashness has been searching for a partner to share the costs and it was reported that india's oil and natural gas companies and talks to buy up to twenty five percent. and a third party has stepped into the long lasting basso between the legs. for control over and i don't believe the only sheriff says his. investors planning to increase its share in the world's top nickel producer the company already owns four percent who agreed to work together with on questions related to its nickel strategy wants
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to boost the stake as he seeks to merge russia's biggest metal producers into one huge company the moves that are passing through the recent north nickel shareholder meeting went out sounding apparently managed to strengthen his position twenty five percent of north nichols pretty prosperous in the south but they were also holding a thirteen percent stake that's all we have time for in this edition of business. alice will be here next with a recap of what's going on in japan stay with us.


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